Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The In Between

Motherhood is full of big moments. There are the many firsts, the trips, the photographic memories that grace the walls of your home. But, the best moments are the in between. They are the silly faces made behind the camera to get that big smile. They are the giggles at bed time. They are the snuggles in bed after that first morning bottle. They are the car conversations full of babbles and clicks. They are the blips of everyday life not captured on film. 

Tonight, as I put Catherine to sleep, I nuzzled her nose as she closed her eyes and was met instead with a giggle. A few minutes of giggling later, my daughter had laughed herself to sleep and I had forgotten about the exhaustion of the day and the laundry and cleaning that awaited me. It's the simple things like an unexpected giggle at bed time that make my heart smile and remind me how wonderful it is to carry the title of Mommy.