Sunday, April 22, 2012

Through Her Eyes

Sometimes, I think about how my daughter will see me as she grows up.

Honestly, she may never know the professional me. My life before hers is irrelevant. To her, I am Mom. I am changer of diapers, washer and (occasional) ironer of clothes, scrubber of dishes. I am mac and cheese chef, maker of pancakes, filler of sippy cups. I am boo boo kisser, tear wiper, lullaby singer.

While my suits and tailored dresses collect dust in the back of my closet, my daily wardrobe involves yoga pants and t-shirts, food stains and diaper cream. My hair is dirty and my makeup routine has been reduced to mascara and a cheap concealer/foundation combo I found at Target.

I look forward to trips to the zoo, carousel rides at the mall, and afternoons at the bookstore. Kindermusik is the highlight of my week. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. I actually get to spend my days playing peek-a-boo, reading books, and playing with blocks. I get to watch my daughter discover the magic of bubbles and sidewalk chalk. I get to kick a tiny soccer ball across the backyard. I get paid in toothy smiles and upside down giggles. My life is perfection.

Some days, I'm beyond tired. Some weeks, Husband is across the country for work and I begin to feel as if I am living on a secluded island of motherhood. But, then, I remember that instead of sitting in an office all day, I'm spending my entire day with this tiny, wonderful, sweet, and funny little girl...

...and I no longer care if I am seen as a professional, because all of the energy I spent on my work, I now get to spend on my daughter. I have no doubt that she will know the real me. She will learn so many things from me, some on purpose, others not so much. But, being known as "Mom" is by far the most fulfilling job I've ever had. I'm just glad I'm lucky enough to get to hold that title.

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