Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Very Happy Half Birthday!

6 months old. Has C really been here for half of a year already?! I'm baffled by this.

We spent her official half birthday lounging on the beautiful beaches of the gulf coast. Not bad at all. We then returned to a week of doctor's appointments. It was certainly a reality check.

Her first appointment was with her dermatologist to discuss the progress of her hemangioma. We found out we were turned down for laser treatment by our insurance company. Because C's hemangioma is strictly cosmetic, there was no reason for them to cover the procedure. Dr. Theos did tell me that treatments are relatively affordable even without insurance ($250/procedure with complete treatment taking 4-5 procedures). Still, I left a little disappointed. On a positive note, the clobetasol (steroid cream) is obviously working as the redness in the center is gone and the bump is beginning to somewhat flatten. We still only use it at night (2 weeks on, 1 week off) because it is so strong that it can thin her already delicate skin. We are also continuing the 0.8 mL dose of propranalol (blood pressure medication) every 8 hours. Our next appointment is October 12th and we will reevaluate the situation then. 

8-11-11 (left) and 9-11-11 (right)

A couple days later, we ventured to the pediatrician for the six month check up. Our big girl weighed in at 15 pounds (30th percentile) and measured 26.5" long (75th percentile). Long and lean like Mommy and Daddy (well, like Mommy and Daddy were). She is right on target developmentally and we got the official go ahead to start solids (even though we technically started a couple weeks prior). We also discussed the hemangioma and laser treatment. I was surprised to learn that C's pediatrician was against it. He was happy with the way it was progressing and was genuinely concerned about scarring from the procedure. I was certainly confused. Which doctor do I trust more?

Then came the dreaded vaccines. Poor baby. It really is so terrible to watch. She got four shots (two in each leg), one of which was a flu vaccine. The flu vaccine always makes me feel terrible the day I get it, so I assumed C would not fair too well. I was right. She seemed fine after we wiped the tears away and made our way home for a crying and car ride induced nap; but that afternoon was filled with unrelenting screaming and crying for what seemed like hours. We then marked another milestone that evening: the babysitter.

Husband had made reservations to celebrate my birthday. Had we realized her check up was that day, we would have picked another night to celebrate. But, the babysitter was booked, the reservation was made, and she seemed to be content enough by the time the sitter arrived. Even though I knew the sitter well and knew she was completely capable, the feeling of leaving her with someone other than close friends or family for the very first time was odd. There was an inexplicable sense of abandonment paired with guilt. I then reminded myself that we were allowed to do this. We were allowed a few hours of grown up time and she would be just fine.

And once I allowed myself to relax and enjoy the evening (with my cell phone in my lap just in case), it was wonderful. We had dinner at Bottega and then, realizing we had precious babysitter time to spare, drinks at a place closer to home. It was refreshing to reconnect with Husband and enjoy a couple glasses of wine interrupted only by the server asking if I would like more. It's so easy to become so consumed in parenthood that you forget about the relationship that existed before. But after a few hours, I missed C and was ready to kiss her sweet cheek.

So now, we are in the midst of six months and it is so busy and so much fun. C is very aware of everything now. She wants to touch things, hold things, grab things and will scoot, climb, and roll until she reached those things. She actually pays attention to the tv now (goodbye Grey's Anatomy reruns, hello Sesame Street), and is mesmerized by music. She sits up tall all by herself.

Watching Baby Einstein in Mommy and Daddy's bed
She is trying so very hard to cut those first teeth. They'll be here any day now. She laughs out loud. She "talks" all the time. Most of the time, she sounds like a pterodactyl screeching and sometimes she sounds like she is almost growling. It's so funny to hear her try out new sounds. She smiles constantly. She is sleeping through the night (occasionally) and is still taking three naps each day (although they are usually only 20-30 minute cat naps). She is eating her first round of purees (peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, bananas) and we have made a couple batches of homemade food so far (peaches and avocado). She LOVES peas! 

Overall, we have a happy, healthy, busy six month old. I have a feeling it only gets better from here.